New Age Beverages / 90's Seltzer Art Print


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BIG, 18" x 24", full color, gallery quality prints, printed by Katie Tackman at Gravy Studios in Philadelphia.

An homage to the "Alternative Sodas" and "New Age Drinks" of the late 80's and early 90's. Before LaCroix and the Seltzer madness of the modern day... there was... Original New York Seltzer (not really seltzer), Soho Natural Beverages, "healthy" "clear" sparkling juice beverages, that looked sort of like wine coolers, marketed with this sort of oddball... MTV meets Health Yuppie meets Ye Olde New York Deli branding.

I've been obsessed with these things most of my life... spent months researching and working on this.... I could write a book on this stuff at this point!!! If nobody else gets it, I'll just wallpaper my studio with these. Thanks for looking!

Prints are IN PROGRESS - actual product shots coming soon - ships in early December. Order now for holiday delivery.